Friday, November 9, 2012

Daily Kos: Please, Please read. I need information on student loan ...

My ex wife and I divorced in 1999. While I paid child support up until she reached 19; there was no formal legal mention of financial obligations beyond that time. When my daughter started at the state public university; my ex and I agreed to fund every other year of her education.

I was fortunate to be able to fund with cash and one short-term loan my two years (~40K total) plus purchase her a vehicle. My ex decided to take out student loans for my daughter for her share. ?My ex made all the contracts, did all the paperwork, co-signed, received the funds and distributed them to my daughter on an as needed basis.

Her promise to our daughter was that she would make the payments so she would not start life with a huge debt over her head. So far she has not paid back the first penny.

In addition, we have found out that my ex took out student loans that exceeded the amount sent my daughter and the university by about $25,000. ?She has defrauded the lenders and also jeopardized my daughter?s future.

I urged my daughter to inform the authorities immediately but she wanted to protect her Mom. However, now after be harassed at work today by a collection agency she wants to take action.

For those of you who may have some expertise or experience in this area; here are my most pressing questions:

???? Is there a good, honest, reliable, and preferably non-profit, source for information on student loan repayment problem situations that does not end up putting the student deeper in debt?

???? Since these are not federal but private student loans does the Office of the Inspector General in the U.S. Department of Education have a role here? (I was directed here when Googling student loan fraud.)

???? My ex and at least one lender is in the State of Florida. Should I contact the Florida State Attorney General?s office?

My daughter and I realize she has an obligation here to pay for her education. ?The amount was unexpected.

My ex made a verbal commitment which is probably uneforceable. However, she stole loan proceeds and has a liability as the co-signatory. We want her held responsible for her fair share.

She has turned her back on my daughter and will not discuss the situation at all. It looks like at a minimum we may to report her fraud just to get her attentioin.

Any direction and advice would be greatly appreciated.

Education, student loans, student financial assistance, fraud, loan default ?


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Nvidia's 3Q earns rise, company starts dividend

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Too soon? Clinton, Christie lead 2016 NH primary polls

For much of the American electorate, the culmination of the 2012 campaign has provided a much-needed respite from politics. But for the prolific pollsters at Public Policy Polling? Let the 2016 race to the White House begin!

The Democratic-leaning firm gave TPM an early look at its survey of the 2016 presidential field in New Hampshire, which, given the reshuffling of the primary calendar in recent years, may not even maintain its outsized electoral role four years from now.

Regardless, the poll found two clear frontrunners in the race: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie for the Republicans and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for the Democrats.

Twenty-one percent of Republicans in the state favor Christie as the party's nominee in four years. A cluster of prospective candidates trail Christie but still crack 10 percent: Florida Sen. Marco Rubio (14 percent), former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (13 percent), former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (11 percent) and Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan (10 percent).

Ryan and Rice enjoy the highest name recognition among Republican voters in the state and that helps give them both a favorability rating above 80 percent. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, on the other hand, is viewed favorably by only 48 percent of his fellow Republicans in New Hampshire. Along with Paul, only former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum are viewed unfavorably by more than 20 percent of New Hampshire Republicans.

Democrats, meanwhile, overwhelmingly back a Clinton candidacy, providing further indication that the party's nomination in 2016 is likely hers if she wants it. The poll shows that 60 percent of New Hampshire Democrats give her nod, creating miles of separation from the other seven candidates included in the survey. After Clinton, only Vice President Joe Biden ? who cryptically told reporters on Election Day that he wasn't voting for himself for the last time ? reaches 10 percent.

Polls have routinely shown Clinton to be the most popular member of the Obama administration, and a separate PPP survey showed her as the prohibitive favorite to win the next Iowa caucuses. So dominant is her current standing in the party that PPP asked New Hampshire Democrats who they would support if she weren't in the 2016 field. With Clinton out of the picture, Biden emerges as a mild favorite with the support of 26 percent. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (15 percent), newly elected Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren (11 percent) and Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick (9 percent) trail Biden. Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley, Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer and Virginia Sen. Mark Warner all fail to break 5 percent.

Known for its fertile output, such a poll shouldn't be surprising from PPP. The North Carolina-based firm frequently asks voters for their take on local sports teams and issues that occur at the intersection of politics and pop culture. But PPP is hardly alone in its gaze toward 2016. This week's issue of Time includes a glossy slide show of potential contenders for the next presidential election. And Rubio will reportedly be travelling to Iowa next weekend for a political fundraiser.

PPP's survey indicated that nearly 30 percent of New Hampshire Republicans don't have an opinion of Florida's junior senator. Fortunately for Rubio, he has four years to change that.


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Thursday, November 1, 2012

First time homebuyer, currently paying cheap rent. ... - Zillow Real ...

I am not a lender nor a real estate agent. just an everyday normal guy. but what i am doing is similar, though my financials vary just a smidge. I am looking to buy a 60-75000 house. lets just choose 60000 for a round number. I will put 10k down and I make about 15,000 annually so keeping my payments low are the goal here. I can rent an apartment for a minimum of 500/mo but by the time I add in utilites and groceries etc. Im probably in over my head. but with a house at 30 year @ 3.706% my payments are in the 470/mo range. and i have an asset in my name. ?although the difference is only 30 in this scenario it still gets my point across. buying a house can be more advantageous than renting.
just a personal preefence here but if you plan on living somewhere for more than five years buy a house, if not rent.


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Over 650 attend ?Women & Agriculture ... - Small Business Can

Over 650 attended the Women & Agriculture Conference in Killarney on October 17th. The main themes were ?The Farming Journey? and ?Personal Journeys?. Speakers on the day included Matt Dempsey (Editor of the Irish Farmers Journal), Dr.Thia Hennessy (Agriculture Economist, Teagasc), ?ine Lawlor (RTE) and Dr. Maureen Gaffney (Psychologist and Broadcaster).

As the Senior Agriculture Manager at Ulster Bank and also a chosen ambassador for women in business, I felt this was a very worthwhile and well structured conference. The conference focused on informing, educating, entertaining and bringing essential and important topics to the audience, which are all relevant to women involved in agriculture. The conference started in 2008 with over 600 attending each year and is now regarded as one of the biggest female conferences taking place in Ireland.

About ailishbyrne

Ailish is the Ulster Bank Senior Agricultuiral Manager and an active farmer. She completed a PhD in Farm Financial Management, through Teagasc and UCD.


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1806 Rustic Hills Ct., Sugar Land, Texas 77479 at Real Estate Video ...

Description:?Contact Demetri Moore at (281) 221-1845 ? ? If you want to live on the water, you have to see this home! Stunning 5BR w/master on 1st floor located on a quiet cul-de-sac.Open floor plan w/lots of windows,built-in bookshelves, huge secondary bdrms,slate entry, hardwood in den, formal living,study & tile in all wet areas. Island kitchen w/double oven. Also feature study,formal dining & game room upstairs w/balcony overlooking lake.Master w/sitting area, whirlpool tub/separate shower & his/her closets. Refrigerator, washer/dryer remain.


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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

UK lawmakers to grill Starbucks, Amazon and Google on tax

LONDON (Reuters) - A UK parliamentary committee has invited executives from Starbucks Corp, Google Inc and Inc to answer questions about their tax practices, which allow them to make significant sales in the UK, but pay little tax here.

The Public Accounts Committee asked senior officials from the companies to address a hearing on November 5, but a spokesman said scheduling problems could mean the hearing might be held later in November.

He said none of the companies had declined to attend in principle.

Google said its representative, which the Committee identified as UK Managing Director Matt Brittin, would be travelling on this date and therefore would be unable to attend.

The company declined to say if Brittin would be available at a later date.

"We comply with all the tax rules in the UK," a spokesperson said.

Amazon and Starbucks did not return calls and emails seeking comment. Spokespeople have responded to previous inquiries about their tax affairs by saying the companies comply with tax rules in all the countries where they operate.

Earlier this month, Reuters revealed that Starbucks had paid only 8.6 million pounds of income taxes on 3.1 billion pounds of sales since 1998, by reporting consistent losses, even as it told investors the UK was a profitable market.

The report prompted a media storm and calls from lawmakers for a probe of Starbucks by the tax authority. Prime Minster David Cameron said last week in response to a question in parliament about big companies paying little or no tax on UK earnings that he was unhappy with the current situation.

Google has come under fire for routing sales to UK clients via an Irish subsidiary, thereby avoiding UK income tax on any profits made. Amazon bills its European customers from a Luxembourg-based subsidiary.

European Union rules allow companies to sell into one EU market from another.

Ireland and Luxembourg have tax regimes that allow companies incur effective tax rates well below the headline UK rate of 24 percent.

(Reporting by Tom Bergin. Editing by Andre Grenon)



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Monday, October 29, 2012

Travel and Leisure Camping - Google Blog Search - Nimerbryant0's ...

Travel and Leisure Camping - Google Blog Search About 475,000 results475000110Romantic <b>Camping</b> Trip - Exclusive <b>Travel and Leisure</b> Romantic <em>Camping</em> Trip - Exclusive <em>Travel and Leisure</em> - cituputs ... Pair of fun, love <em>camping</em> trip is a great way to create that relationship. You can also travel to plan a trip around a special day. Importance. Love the <em>camping</em> <b>...</b>remunerate lambastebeauchampannie78Mon, 22 Oct 2012 02:50:00 GMTThe Myths Of <b>Camping</b> Meals When planning a <em>camping</em> trip; one of the major concerns surrounding <em>campers</em>; particularly if traveling with family is that of food and the difficulty that <em>camping</em> meals often face. <b>...</b> Home ? <em>Travel And Leisure</em> Articles <b>...</b> - latest free reprint travel & leisure articlesunknownFri, 05 Oct 2012 00:00:00 GMTThe Dangers Of <b>Camping</b> Home ? <em>Travel And Leisure</em> Articles. - article submission service | article submitter. The Dangers Of <em>Camping</em>. James Motor. Word Count: 653. View Article Summary. The <em>Camping</em> Holiday has long <b>...</b> - latest free reprint travel & leisure articlesunknownFri, 05 Oct 2012 00:00:00 GMT<b>Camping</b> at the Yosemite Makes a Whole Lot of Distinction | <b>travel</b> <b>...</b> The Yosemite National Park, which covers through four areas in California, is one of the largest national parks in the usa. Protecting a region greater than 3,000 square kilometers, it meets the western slopes of the majestic <b>...</b>travel and leisure article updatesFaisal Reza SiregarTue, 09 Oct 2012 08:48:00 GMTThe Complexities Of The <b>Camping</b> Tent Home ? <em>Travel And Leisure</em> Articles. - article submission service | article submitter. The Complexities Of The <em>Camping</em> Tent. James Motor. Word Count: 638. View Article Summary. It is far too easy for <b>...</b> - latest free reprint travel & leisure articlesunknownFri, 05 Oct 2012 00:00:00 GMT<b>Travel and Leisure</b>: <b>Camping</b> Near Tallahassee Florida There&#39;s plenty to enjoy while <em>camping</em> near Tallahassee Florida. The area is just a hop, skip and a jump from the Georgia border, making a foray into another state quite doable. If you choose to stay near the Tallahassee city limits, however, <b>...</b>Travel and Leisureazzeddine finaouiMon, 08 Oct 2012 12:33:45 GMT76 x 30 <b>Leisure</b> Canvas Hammock Stripes for <b>Camping Travel</b> Two <b>...</b> Find and share deals and reviews on 76 x 30 <em>Leisure</em> Canvas Hammock Stripes for <em>Camping Travel</em> Two Colors Random at offers this for $13.99, FREE shipping. belarus94 shared on October 17, 2012.dealspl.usunknownThu, 18 Oct 2012 04:40:34 GMTExploring <b>Camping</b> Options - More Than You Think Exploring <em>Camping</em> Options - More Than You Think. By: Anders Abadie &middot; Home | <em>Travel-and-Leisure</em>. If you think <em>camping</em> is all about spending time in the outdoors, sitting around a fire pit and telling ghost stories, you are only <b>...</b> - : Travel-and-LeisureunknownFri, 12 Oct 2012 19:07:21 GMT<b>Camping</b> Place In India Home | <em>Travel-and-Leisure</em>. <em>Camping</em> is the best substitute to give you a good dose of rejuvenation and peace when you are all stressed out of the busy city life full of urgency and worries. <em>Camping</em> in India is the perfect way that combines your <b>...</b> - : Travel-and-LeisureunknownTue, 16 Oct 2012 10:37:34 GMTKids&#39; Sleeping Bags Home ? <em>Travel And Leisure</em> Articles <b>...</b> Children also love <em>camping</em> and if you are planning a family <em>camping</em> holiday then kids&#39; bags are essential to keep your children warm, dry and comfortable! There are many varieties of <b>...</b> - latest free reprint travel & leisure articlesunknownSun, 21 Oct 2012 00:00:00 GMT


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Friday, October 26, 2012

Microsoft's biggest gamble yet: risking the name 'Windows'

12 hrs.

Microsoft's come a long way in the last two years. Thursday is the official launch of Windows 8. How PC users respond to the radically redesigned and architected operating system may greatly affect the future of Microsoft. But Microsoft's made a big mistake: they've stretched the Windows brand so thin that it's going to confuse customers?--?and maybe even drive them away.

It's not news to Microsoft how important Windows 8 is to the company,?as well as its sister operating system Windows RT that powers the first Microsoft Surface tablet. This is the last chance Microsoft has to get into the race beside Apple and Google for the future of mobile?--?and perhaps desktop?--?computing. But even though Windows 8 was officially announced only?16 months ago, looking at how the tech community ?responded to it at the time reminds how audacious?--?and in hindsight, how essential?--?Microsoft's Windows 8 strategy has become.

Although there was a casual mention of Windows 8 and its ability to run on the ARM-based processors?--?the same sort that power iPhones and mobile tablet?s--?at the 2011 Consumer Electronics Show, the first official look at Windows 8 came at the D9 conference on June 1st, 2011. All Things D's Ina Fried had an exclusive first look and interview with Windows President Steven Sinofsky, who is quoted right out of the gate saying, ?[Windows 8] is ?no compromise? and that?s really important to us."

But there was a compromise to come: Windows 8 doesn't actually run on ARM processors; instead, that's what Windows RT is for. The new "Windows Store" apps?--?think of them like iPad or Android tablet apps?--?run on both Windows 8 and Windows RT devices. But traditional?--?some might say "real"?--?Windows apps like Photoshop or Minecraft will only run on Windows 8 machines that use an x86 chip. (At least until their developers create dual-Windows versions, something Microsoft obviously hopes will become more common.)

There are also native Windows RT apps that just run on RT, just to make it more confusing.

At the time, it was also presumed that Windows Store apps would be more like simple web widgets. Wrote Fried:

The other type of application, which has to be written in HTML5 and Javascript, looks more like a mobile application, filling the full screen. Internet Explorer 10, which is part of Windows 8, has already been configured to run in this mode, as have several widget-like apps for checking stock prices and weather.

Those widgets ended up being quite a bit more like traditional Windows applications, developed in a variety of languages. ) And Windows Store apps for Windows 8 can run on Windows RT as well...sometimes. (To speak nerdy, developers can choose to compile for ARM, but it's not required.)

What becomes apparent when looking through the coverage of Windows 8 from a year-and-a-half, though, is that at the time Microsoft thought it would be able to make a single version of its operating system that would work for desktops, laptops, and tablets alike. (Funnily enough, at the time, Microsoft was calling "Windows 8" a working title; it wouldn't officially name the product until 2012.)

What's clear is this: Windows 8 started as something easy to understand, a unified operating system that would run on all types of hardware. Along the way, Microsoft realized they'd bitten off more than they could chew, split off Windows RT from Windows 8, and sowed a lot of confusion that's going to get worse before it gets better.

What's disappointing in all of this is that Windows 8?--?the full-blown version?--?has been getting mostly high praise from those who have used its many preview builds. ?Tim Anderson, writing for the Guardian, called a summer build proof that Microsoft could have "turned on a pin and transformed its client and consumer operating system from one that is hopelessly bogged down in legacy and unsuited for modern mobile computing, to one that is beautifully engineered for the next generation of cloud-connected devices."?

(Broadly, anyone using Windows 8 on a touchscreen device loves it, while those using a ?keyboard and mouse tend to be of mixed minds.)

But for the first time since Windows NT (which wasn't a consumer-facing version of Windows), Microsoft has been sloppy with its most precious brand.?And that's just at the highest level; inside the operating system and on the web, Microsoft has a supercilious tendency to slap the "Windows" name on everything from DropBox clones ("Windows Live Mesh") to file browsers ("Windows Explorer," not to be confused with "Internet Explorer," Windows' default web browser).

It's a mess. It's confusing. And it's ultimately going to be a big factor in confusion and dissatisfaction for a lot of customers over the coming months. (Especially when you consider there will be another Microsoft Surface tablet coming soon that does run the full-blown Windows 8.)

Yet a quick look at recent history makes one thing clear: Microsoft is making it up as they go along. And that might not be good enough anymore.


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Forecasters warn East Coast about 'Frankenstorm'

Map shows path of Hurricane Sandy

Map shows path of Hurricane Sandy

This NOAA satellite image taken Thursday, October 25, 2012 at 10:45 AM EDT shows Hurricane Sandy over the Bahamas with maximum sustained winds of 105 mph and moving toward the north. Farther north, a cold front moves into the Great Lakes and Ohio Valley with showers and thunderstorms. (AP PHOTO/WEATHER UNDERGROUND)

A woman cries out in front of her flooded house caused by heavy rains from Hurricane Sandy in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012. Hurricane Sandy rumbled across mountainous eastern Cuba and headed toward the Bahamas on Thursday as a Category 2 storm, bringing heavy rains and blistering winds. (AP Photo/Dieu Nalio Chery)

A fallen tree and toppled light poles block a road in Kingston, Jamaica, after the passing of Hurricane Sandy, Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012. Sandy, which made landfall Wednesday afternoon near Kingston, crossed over Jamaica killing an elderly man when a boulder crashed into his clapboard house, police said. (AP Photo/Collin Reid)

Residents wade through a flooded street caused by heavy rains from Hurricane Sandy in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012. Hurricane Sandy rumbled across mountainous eastern Cuba and headed toward the Bahamas on Thursday as a Category 2 storm, bringing heavy rains and blistering winds. (AP Photo/Dieu Nalio Chery)

(AP) ? All the spare parts appear to be coming together to create what forecasters are calling "Frankenstorm," a monster combination of high wind, heavy rain, extreme tides and maybe snow that could cause havoc along the East Coast just before Halloween next week.

Hurricane Sandy, having blown through Haiti and Cuba on Thursday, continues to barrel north. A wintry storm is chugging across from the West. And frigid air is streaming south from Canada.

And if they meet Tuesday morning around New York or New Jersey, as forecasters predict, they could create a big wet mess that settles over the nation's most heavily populated corridor and reaches as far inland as Ohio.

With experts expecting at least $1 billion in damage, the people who will have to clean it up aren't waiting.

Utilities are lining up out-of-state work crews and canceling employees' days off to deal with the power outages. From county disaster chiefs to the federal government, emergency officials are warning the public to be prepared. And President Barack Obama was briefed aboard Air Force One.

"It's looking like a very serious storm that could be historic," said Jeff Masters, meteorology director of the forecasting service Weather Underground. "Mother Nature is not saying 'trick-or-treat.' It's just going to give tricks."

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration forecaster Jim Cisco, who coined the nickname Frankenstorm, said: "We don't have many modern precedents for what the models are suggesting."

Government forecasters said there is a 90 percent chance ? up from 60 percent two days earlier ? that the East will get pounded starting Sunday and stretching past Halloween on Wednesday. Things are expected to get messier once Sandy, a very late hurricane in what has been a remarkably quiet season, comes ashore, probably in New Jersey.

Coastal areas from Florida to Maine will feel some effects, but the storm is expected to vent the worst of its fury on New Jersey and the New York City area, which could see around 5 inches of rain and gale-force winds close to 40 mph. Eastern Ohio, southwestern Pennsylvania, western Virginia and the Shenandoah Mountains could get snow.

And the storm will take its time leaving. The weather may not start clearing in the mid-Atlantic until the day after Halloween and Nov. 2 in the upper Northeast, Cisco said.

"It's almost a weeklong, five-day, six-day event," he said from a NOAA forecast center in College Park, Md. "It's going to be a widespread, serious storm."

It is likely to hit during a full moon, when tides are near their highest, increasing the risk of coastal flooding. And because many trees still have their leaves, they are more likely to topple in the event of wind and snow, meaning there could be widespread power outages lasting to Election Day.

Eastern states that saw blackouts that lasted for days after last year's freak Halloween snowstorm and Hurricane Irene in late August 2011 are already pressuring power companies to be more ready this time.

Asked if he expected utilities to be more prepared, Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick responded: "They'd better be."

Jersey Central Power & Light, which was criticized for its response to Irene, notified employees to be ready for extended shifts. In Pennsylvania, PPL Corp. spokesman Michael Wood said, "We're in a much better place this year."

Some have compared the tempest to the so-called Perfect Storm that struck off the coast of New England in 1991, but that one didn't hit as populated an area. Nor is this one like last year's Halloween storm, which was merely an early snowfall.

"The Perfect Storm only did $200 million of damage and I'm thinking a billion," Masters said. "Yeah, it will be worse."

In the Caribbean, Sandy killed at least two people in Haiti before the 18th named storm of the Atlantic hurricane season passed over Cuba, ripping the roofs off homes and damaging fragile coffee and tomato crops.

Norje Pupo, a 66-year-old retiree in Holguin, was helping his son clean up early Thursday after an enormous tree toppled over in his garden.

"The hurricane really hit us hard," he said. "As you can see, we were very affected. The houses are not poorly made here, but some may have been damaged."


Associated Press writers Tony Winton in Miami, Fernando Gonzalez in Cuba, Ken Thomas on Air Force One, and Michael Rubinkam in Harrisburg, Pa., contributed to this report.



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Flooding and the economy ? prepare for another hit - Public Service

25 October 2012 How could the UK's flooding affect the future of its economy? Oliver Randall of home insurance company Policy Expert looks at?what the government is supposedly doing to prevent similar natural disasters in the future

The state of the UK economy, much like many other developed nations, is in a pretty poor state as a result of the world wide recession. The floods during the summer of 2012 have made the situation far worse. Unrelenting rain showers have caused havoc to home owners, business and services. The flood waters inflicted widespread damage to the extent that many businesses had to be closed down and some homes having to be demolished. Since three years ago, when we experienced the last major onslaught of flooding, these events seem to be more commonplace in 2012.

As a result this has, of course, led to a disastrous knock on effect to the wider economy. We have already began to hear talk of food prices going through the roof (rising as much as 6.4 per cent) as farmers struggle with poor harvests as well as damage to their existing stocks and commodities.? Wheat prices, alone, are up 29 per cent following a 14.1 per cent fall in yield. Additionally, the transport system was brought to a standstill in some areas as roads and rail tracks were quickly turned into lakes.

The insurance industry has reported record claims this year. The initial estimate in various parts of the country has hit the tens of millions of pounds.? In fact; from as early as June 2012, the Association of British Insurers estimated that the total cost of claims had amounted to ?207m; a figure which is made up of several areas in the country.

The wet weather and flooding is extremely bad for business, as many retailers have seen a significant drop in sales of items such as barbecues, salad and traditional summer clothing.? There is also the negative affect to tourism as holidaymakers chose to vacation where the sun is shining as the prospect of rain showers day after day is somewhat of a turn off to say the least.

These are conditions which we might just have to get used to in the future and it is one of the reasons why the government has taken steps to protect the nation against flooding.? A system of flood barriers had been planned in an attempt to, not only tackle the floods, but also to alleviate any ongoing fears that homeowners may have. These defences are expected to cost in the region of ?860 million by 2015. The village of Cockermouth which was the subject of the extremely devastating flood in 2009 has already had some defences put in. The residents were so keen to safeguard their village that the majority of them agreed to pay ?1m of the costs which came directly out of council tax increases.

However there is concern that the government may be back tracking in terms of the amount they are prepared to spend on flood protection. According to reports, 300 of the planned flood defence projects across the country have not began as yet. This is certainly the case for Morpeth, Northumberland, which faced its second terrible spate of flooding since 2008. The truth is that such procedures are ever more unlikely to be put into place, since the government has announced drastic cuts to its spending budget. Documents discovered from the Environment Agency highlights a further 864 projects which have had to have their budgets significantly modified for 2012/2013 or further external contributions sought.

It is of course a worrying prospect for those people who have already had their insurance premiums tripled with seemingly no light at the end of the tunnel. If investment is not directed into protecting the nation from the debilitating flood waters then the country may take an economic hit that it might just not be able to recover from. Any hope that remains lies in the hands of ABI and the government. It is up to them to work together and take action to ensure the proper procedures and risk prevention is in place for the likelihood of future incidences. home insurance


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The online vault at contains all sorts of treasures that no one has the time to search for.? Fortunately, one of our readers had both the time and inclination to find an article that I vividly recall reading at at time when I was younger than my kid is now.

In 1979, Sports Illustrated pondered the future of pro football.? Here are some of the quotes, each of which were followed by comments from Frank Deford that best can be described as pre-Internet snark.

?In the year 2000, there won?t be any contact below the waist.? ?Bum Phillips, Head Coach, Houston Oilers.? (Said DeFord in response, ?Yeah, O.K.?)

A dozen years after 2000, Bum?s vision has yet to come to fruition.? But it?s moving in that direction.? And it could take another big step there in the offseason, after the 2011 hit by Bills receiver Stevie Johnson on Chiefs safety Eric Berry and the hit from earlier this month by Jets guard Matt Slauson on Texans linebacker Brian Cushing.

?Players will look a lot different: lighter equipment, more formfitting shoulder pads, a different type of helmet, soft rib pads.? ?Dan Rooney, President, Pittsburgh Steelers.

Of course, we won?t notice any of those differences this weekend when the Steelers play; we?ll be too distracted by the prison bumblebee throwback uniforms.

?There?ll be a little metal fleck in the football, so you can tell for sure whether the guy with the ball got over the goal line or was pushed back.? ?Tex Schramm, General Manager, Dallas Cowboys.

Schramm was a sage.? And that?s one change the NFL needs to embrace.

?Everything will become more specialized. On defense, you?ll get pass rushers and run defenders, first-down and third-down defensive ends. You?ll see relief quarterbacks.? ?Tom Flores, Head Coach, Oakland Raiders.

Relief quarterbacks have yet to take root, but for the 2007 season, when the Cardinals would bring out Kurt Warner whenever they fell behind. And then they?d putt Matt Leinart back in when Warner pulled things even.

?It?s a very tough, very hard game, and I think more and more it?s going to be played by the so-called underprivileged. It?s too tough, too physical a game for a society that?s become so affluent. Kids can get the same great cardiovascular exercise from soccer.? ?Marv Levy.

That?s the argument that has been raised in the wake of the new sensitivity to concussions.? Football could become a way out for the have-nots, and the best of the best eventually will entertain the haves and the have-mores.

The article, after the parade of quotes, focuses on Byron Donzis, a then-47-year-old inventor who had developed a flak jacket and who had all sorts of other ideas (some crazy, some sane) about the future of pro football, from an equipment standpoint. But Deford eventually focuses on broader assessments of the game.

?The feeling is that rosters will grow, but the schedule will not (you believe that?), and that the NFL won?t expand abroad because the foreigners wouldn?t be sufficiently interested in an American game played by Americans,? Deford wrote. ?No, even in 2000 the referees won?t use TV replays to assist them in making their calls.?

It?s an intriguing article. And it makes us wonder how different the NFL will be in another 33 years. Feel free to drop some ideas below.


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Ex-con arrested on charges of killing policeman, NY driver


Nassau County Police Officer Arthur Lopez

By NBC News staff

An ex-convict is in custody after a police officer in Nassau County, N.Y., was killed on the job on Tuesday and a driver was carjacked and shot to death later in the day.

The officer's death came one day after his colleagues attended the funeral of another officer in the police department on?Long Island, reported

The suspect, Darrel Fuller of Brooklyn, previously served five years in prison for a 2004 attempted murder, according to?The New York Daily News.

Officer?Arthur Lopez, 29, an eight-year police veteran, was killed Tuesday around 11 a.m.?after getting shot in what started out as a traffic stop, reported The New York Daily News. Fuller, 33, was arrested on charges of shooting him as well as another driver, 52-year-old Queens resident Raymond Facey, in a subsequent carjacking, said Both Officer Lopez and Facey died from their wounds.

"Someone is chasing me," Facey reportedly told his daughter over the phone before Fuller stole his car, reported The Daily News.?

Lopez's death came the day after officers attended the funeral of Nassau County highway patrolman Joseph Olivieri, who was killed last Thursday when he was hit by a car at a crash scene where he had responded.

Frank Eltman / AP

Nassau County PBA President James Carver, left, discusses the shooting death of Police Officer Arthur Lopez, shown in picture on table, at a news conference, on Tuesday at police headquarters in Mineola, N.Y. Listening from second left are Nassau County Executive Edward Mangano, District Attorney Kathleen Rice, County Comptroller George Maragos and First Deputy Police Commissioner Thomas Krumpter.

Lopez, was on patrol Tuesday in Bellerose Terrace, a community at the border of Queens, N.Y., and Nassau County. The officer and his partner spotted a damaged silver Honda that was "running on rims," suspecting it was wanted for leaving the scene of a hit-and-run accident, authorities said, according to



The officers gave chase, and the car pulled over. There was "a brief exchange of words" between Lopez and the driver before the driver left the vehicle and fired one round into Lopez's chest, said Nassau County Police Department Chief Steven Skrynecki, according to, adding that the officer wasn't wearing a bulletproof vest.

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The second officer administered first aid to Lopez, officials said. He was later hospitalized for trauma.

Lopez "lost his life to a cold-blooded killer," Nassau County Executive Edward Mangano said at a news conference.

The shooter got back into his car and drove away before abandoning the vehicle and accosting Facey, the Queens resident, authorities said. He shot the Queens man in the head, dragged him out of his car and left him dead on the roadway as he drove away, they said. That car later was found abandoned in a residential neighborhood in Queens.

The slayings touched off a search for Fuller that included heavily armed NYPD officers going door-to-door in Queens, reported Authorities also closed the Cross Island Parkway for several hours, causing traffic delays.

Suspect wounded
A 911 caller reported hearing gunfire in Queens amid the massive manhunt for Fuller. Responding officers found him in a vehicle ? not the one carjacked ? with what appeared to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the shoulder, said The Daily News.

Fuller was hospitalized in police custody. It was unclear if he had a lawyer.

Fuller pleaded guilty to attempted murder in 2005, reported He was jailed again in 2010 after violating his parole, but was released in May 2011.

"We're endeavoring to find out what triggered this entire series of events," Skrynecki said while announcing the arrest late Tuesday.

Before the shootings, Fuller left a hospital and had gotten in a car accident, the chief added, but wouldn't elaborate.

A man who witnessed the officer's shooting as he was stopped at a gas station along the highway said it looked like a routine traffic stop.

"The officer's walking up to the car. They just pulled out (a gun) and shot," said Paul Walcott, a music producer from Bayside, N.Y., reported "He went right down. He got hit point blank. He went straight down."

The car then sped off, heading south on the Cross Island Parkway.

"In broad daylight, this time of day, it was incredible to see something like that," Walcott said.

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Saturday, August 4, 2012

Simple Home Improvement Techniques From Experienced People ...

Would you like to add space to your home? A living room or den is a great idea; especially if you are looking for profitable expansions. You will gain a great deal of usable space for relaxing and spending time with your family while greatly increasing your home?s value.

Replacing your carpets can be a breath of fresh air. Carpets can be a hotbed of allergens making your own home hard to live in. Consider replacing your carpets with hardwood, tile, or laminate floors for a healthier living environment. Hard surface floors will also provide an updated look to your home.

A home workshop is useful for successful home improvement projects. It?s important to make sure your home workshop has the proper lighting and safety features. If there are few windows make sure to install good lighting and ventilation in your work areas. Equip the space with a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit. Also, other safety items like leather gloves and proper eye protection can be helpful.

For an awesome impact on your homes curb appeal, think about resurfacing the concrete in the driveway and entry walk. Replacement of concrete can be very expensive, but for a fraction of that cost you can have it resurfaced in a multitude of colors and patterns which adds significant value to your homes curb appeal.

If you?re looking to add variety to your rooms with paint you can do it very quickly and cost effectively. Paint one wall a different striking color in your room that doesn?t match the other wall colors. This will create a new focal point in your room and make your space feel like it just had a real update.

Adding an office to your home could increase its value. More companies today are offering telecommuting options, so having a room dedicated as an office is a big plus to a homeowner and is becoming more of a necessity than a luxury. Having this home office can also benefit the homeowner, because this is a tax-deductible expense.

If your walls are in bad condition, consider using wallpaper instead of paint. Wallpaper can hide all manner of damage on a wall, like hairline cracks, grease marks, chips, pen marks, etc. Paint on the other-hand, can draw attention to even the smallest defect on an interior wall. Wallpaper also have the added advantage of making a room feel cozier.

Don?t become disillusioned when your home improvement project takes longer, more money than you expected, or doesn?t turn out as planned. If you?ve prepared correctly you should have a cushion of money to cover the additional cost, or pay to hire someone to fix the mistakes you?ve made, so relax.

Whether it is summer or winter you should always check for drafts. There is nothing more frustrating than heating or cooling the outside. Use a lighted candle near a window or door, and if the candle flickers, you know you probably have a crack to seal. Be sure to check all sides of all the windows and exterior doors.

Fix a nail that?s popped partially out of your wall covering with a couple of drywall screws! Insert a drywall screw a few inches above the offending nail and another a few inches below. This will pull the drywall or other wall covering back into the wall stud so that you can hammer the nail back into place without blemishing your wall. Paint the visible nail and screw heads and you?re done!

Add flowers and candles to your home. These additions are a cheap and easy way to add cheer to a home. The flowers will add color and the candles will brighten up the room and add a pleasant aroma if scented. Candles should be used with care, however, to prevent fires.

As you can see, tackling a home improvement project does not need necessarily need to be difficult. If you take your time and plan your work, you can make things go a lot more smoothly. Try implementing some of the pointers and ideas you learned in this article, and get started on increasing the value of your home.

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Friday, August 3, 2012

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hot and cold water dispenser - The Special Features of a Hot and ...

hot and cold water dispenser - The Special Features of a Hot and Cold Water Dispenser
by beant b
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hot and cold water dispenser More Details about hot and cold water dispenser here.

The hot and cold water dispenser is a come of age invention. It is synonymous to a water cooler. A water boiler is also called a water heater. Every consumer can make his choice be it a free standing, under sink, countertop or wall mounted water heater. It is all about individual preferences. Water boilers are excellent substitutes to kettles when it comes to boiling water to make hot drinks and instant food products. They are available in various models so consumers can make the right choices in accordance with their budget and sense of style. Water is one of the basic necessities in life. The human body and the entire planet are composed mostly of water. Lack of water can cause dehydration and extreme cases can lead to death. The Earth will experience droughts and prolonged occurrences will result to widespread famine. Without water all living creatures will perish. Even a day with no water can result to varied effects be they mild or life threatening. When the natural water sources have been contaminated by pollutants, people found relief in tap water. However, wariness towards the tap water began until purified or filtered bottled water was introduced. Efficient products were soon made available in the market such as a water dispenser and a water boiler. A water dispenser or water cooler can dispense hot and cold water when it is equipped with two dispensers that individually produce water, either hot or cold. Hot and Cold Water Dispensers There are two types of water dispensers such as the countertop and free standing models. The countertop or tabletop water dispensers are less expensive than their free standing or floor standing counterparts. Water dispensers are obtainable in traditional stores and reliable online shops. They are also categorized into two types, namely, bottled and bottle less water dispensing machines. The bottled water dispensers can hold up to 5 gallons of water. The gallon jugs are placed on the dispensers in a neck down position and can be replaced whenever the water runs out. The bottle less water dispensers utilize water from the mains water supply. An interior water filtration system ensures fresh and clean water, eliminating the bad taste and odor associated with the regular tap water. There are water delivery companies that offer for rent or even for free the hot and cold water dispensers when subscription to their service is made. When deciding to purchase the water dispensing machines, there are suppliers that offer the yearly maintenance of the units as part of their service package. Water Heaters A water heater, oftentimes called water boiler, is an appliance that is used to boil water and maintain its constant temperature. It functions like a kettle but does not normally pose as a safety hazard. It typically provides an instant source of boiling hot water when making tea, coffee, hot chocolate, instant noodles, oats, baby formula and other uses when hot, clean water is needed. There are countertop water heater brands that are made of stainless steel to make them highly durable products. They generally offer at any one time a maximum quantity of boiling water which is 27 cups. They are permanently plumbed in and rated with zero carbon upon installation. There is then a steady supply of hot water on demand. The under counter water heaters are commonly installed in the kitchen. Most brands offer many features and advantages that make the units ultimately efficient and worth the value of money spent on them. The installation of the under counter or under sink water heaters is very easy as they come with a quick product installation guide. Typically small in size, they are lightweight and compact, making them amazing space savers. They considerably minimize the heating costs by up to 50 percent and serve as energy savers. They are also great money savers since they eliminate the need in installing costly recirculating lines or pumps. Modern technology has significantly improved modern living as highly efficient and easy to use products are needed to keep up with the increasing demands on time. A hot and cold water dispenser is remarkably helpful as they provide either hot or cold water whenever there is need. Water boilers are considered as awesome alternatives to kettles and there are wall mounted, countertop and under counter water heater brands available from which to choose from.

Beant Bajwa writes articles for PHS Waterlogic, a leading supplier of hot and cold water dispenser units in Europe. PHS Waterlogic also offers a wide array of highly efficient Water Boilers. PHS Waterlogic has countertop, wall mounted and under counter water heater models available for consumers.

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Monday, June 4, 2012

'Housewives' actress Kathryn Joosten dies at 72

FILE - In this Sept. 19, 2008 file photo, Kathryn Joosten arrives at the 2008 Primetime Emmy Awards Nominees for Outstanding Performance reception in Los Angeles. Joosten, the veteran character actress who played crotchety Karen McCluskey on ABC's "Desperate Housewives," died Saturday, June 2, 2012. She was 72. (AP Photo/Matt Sayles, File)

FILE - In this Sept. 19, 2008 file photo, Kathryn Joosten arrives at the 2008 Primetime Emmy Awards Nominees for Outstanding Performance reception in Los Angeles. Joosten, the veteran character actress who played crotchety Karen McCluskey on ABC's "Desperate Housewives," died Saturday, June 2, 2012. She was 72. (AP Photo/Matt Sayles, File)

In this March 1, 2012 photo, Kathryn Joosten arrives at the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences 21st Annual Hall of Fame Gala in Beverly Hills, Calif. Joosten, a veteran character actress who played the crotchety, nosey Karen McCluskey on ABC's "Desperate Housewives," has died. She was 72. Publicist Nadine Jolson said Joosten, who had battled lung cancer for years, died Saturday, June 2, 2012, in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Matt Sayles)

(AP) ? Kathryn Joosten, a character actress best known as the crotchety, nosey Karen McCluskey on "Desperate Housewives" and the president's secretary on "The West Wing," has died. She was 72.

Joosten, who had battled lung cancer for years, died Saturday in Los Angeles, her publicist Nadine Jolson said.

Joosten won two Emmy awards for her portrayal of Mrs. McCluskey, the cranky but loveable senior who kept a close eye on her Wisteria Lane neighbors on "Desperate Housewives." The hit show ended its run on ABC last month with a series finale in which Joosten's character passed away. Her character's battle with cancer was a story line in the show.

She also appeared on NBC's "The West Wing" as Mrs. Landingham, the president's trusted secretary. Over the years, she had roles in a number of other popular shows, including a recurring one on "Dharma & Greg" and guest spots on shows including "Ally McBeal" and "Scrubs."

Active in animal rights causes, she appeared with other celebrities at a 2008 news conference in Los Angeles to ask the city to abandon a project for a $40 million elephant enclosure at the Los Angeles Zoo.

Associated Press

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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Main Reasons Why A Mobile Car Service Is Much Better Than Usual ...

June 3rd, 2012 by Christy Yeo

Among the worst things which could happen to a car owner is experiencing your car broken just when you are about to set off to go somewhere important. What is even worse is realizing that the nearest automobile repair center is nowhere near your house, and the whole trip necessitates getting towing service. This scenario can get even worse still if you have kids or other matters in your house that you absolutely can?t leave alone while you go look after your car at the repair shop. With this dreadful situation, what does a regular vehicle owner do?

If you have been in the scenario described above, then you are already familiar with the horrors associated with a broken car and also the time-consuming and inconvenient process of repairing it. Nonetheless, there?s an alternative to bringing your car to the auto shop that could make a big difference in your car repair experiences, and this is getting a mobile car service.

Getting a mobile mechanic to repair your car at home offers a lot of benefits that taking your car to a repair center does not offer. Number one among these benefits is convenience, and the rest includes better savings, better communication between you and the mechanic, faster repairs, and finally, far better service.

Of course, acquiring a car mechanic come over to your residence removes a lot of the problems that taking your vehicle to the shop offers. For one, you needn?t hire a towing service any longer, and you also don?t have to fret about bringing young kids along if you cannot leave them in your own home. You don?t have to make complex plans on when to drop off your car or when you can get it. In case you hire a mobile car service, you can easily continue your normal home routine and check in your car?s repair progress every once in awhile.

In contrast, because you will not be shelling out for towing services, you?ll already eliminate a big chunk from your car repair charges. Apart from saving on towing costs, you also get to save on the expense of transport back and forth from the auto shop whenever you go check on your car.

Additionally, because you will be dealing with the repair man himself, there will be better communication between both of you. You can certainly tell him exactly what happened to your car and he can provide you with regular as well as in-depth updates on the repairs that he is doing. Furthermore, due to this direct communication, you can expect to be given much better service. Because the auto mechanic is representing the organization he works for, he will be much more ethical and ready to do what pleases his clients.

Lastly, you can expect that repair of your car will be quicker. It?s because mobile car service providers understand your needs better. In addition to knowing the importance of time to you, they also have to attend to other clients to allow them to fix more cars in one day.

Know more about automotive fundamentals and car repair tips, then visit this site.

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Tags:automotive blogs,automotive essentials,automotive fundamentals,Autos,car care ideas,car repair tips

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