Tuesday, February 21, 2012

John Glenn's first spaceflight was fraught with risks and unknowns

Before Glenn completed three laps of Earth on Feb. 20, 1962, no American had spent more than 15 minutes in space.

When John Glenn launched on the United States' first orbital spaceflight 50 years ago today (Feb. 20), NASA scientists weren't sure where he'd come down ? or if he'd even survive the trip.

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Before?Glenn completed three laps of Earth?on Feb. 20, 1962, no American had spent more than 15 minutes in space. So NASA top brass and medical personnel had a laundry list of worries, from where Glenn's spacecraft would touch down to whether or not the astronaut's eyes would function properly in microgravity.

"There were a lot of unknowns in the?early days of spaceflight," former astronaut Scott Carpenter, who completed an orbital mission of his own in May 1962, said Friday (Feb. 17) at a NASA event commemorating Glenn's flight. "We were considered guilty of being unable to fly in space and required to prove our innocence, counter to the American custom."

Medical concerns

By the time of Glenn's flight,?space-race rival?the Soviet Union had already launched two manned orbital missions. Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin circled the Earth once in April 1961, and his countryman Gherman Titov orbited our planet 17 times in August of that year, staying aloft for more than 24 hours.

Both Gagarin and Titov returned to Earth safely after their flights. But NASA had no experience with human spaceflight beyond the 15-minute suborbital jaunts of?Alan Shepard?and Gus Grissom in 1961, so agency personnel worried about how Glenn's body would hold up during nearly five hours in space.

Doctors were particularly concerned about how prolonged exposure to microgravity would affect Glenn's vision. [Photos: John Glenn's Space Legacy]

"Some of the ophthamologists were literally concerned at that time that your eyes might change shape and your vision might change enough you couldn't even see the instrument panel enough to make an emergency re-entry if you had to," Glenn said during Friday's festivities.

"They were enough concerned about it, we actually put a little miniaturized eye chart at the top of the instrument panel," he added. "And that's still in Friendship 7, up in the Smithsonian [National Air and Space Museum]."

NASA also worried that spaceflight might cause fluid to move around randomly in Glenn's inner ear, perhaps resulting in nausea and vertigo. And doctors weren't even sure if the astronaut would be able to swallow properly in microgravity, Glenn said.

Concern and curiosity about digestive functions persisted through Carpenter's flight, three months later. Doctors weren't convinced astronauts would be able to metabolize food on orbit, so they had Carpenter perform a little experiment. [Biggest Revelations of the Space Age]

"I was given some radioactive food ? pap ? in a toothpaste tube," Carpenter said. "And I was told to eat that on the first orbit."

History has shown, of course, that the human body can perform basic functions in space. Astronauts routinely live on the?International Space Station?for six-month stints, though they must exercise assiduously to minimize the effects of microgravity, which include muscle wasting and decreased bone density.

A dicey re-entry

Glenn's flight plan called for Friendship 7 to splash down in the Atlantic Ocean several hundred miles southeast of Florida. But NASA wasn't entirely sure that would work out, so Glenn prepared for the possibility of landing among "primitive" aboriginal peoples in backcountry Australia, Papua New Guinea or southern Africa.

"You land, and the side blows off, and out steps this thing in a silver suit. You're going to be either like the god-king or dead pretty quick," Glenn said. "So I wanted a message for these people."

So linguists at the Library of Congress translated a basic message of peace and friendship for Glenn, arming him with a few phrases in various aboriginal languages should the need arise.

Friendship 7 eventually did re-enter roughly where it was supposed to, dropping into the Atlantic just 40 miles (67 kilometers) short of the planned landing zone. But the capsule's return to Earth was a bumpy and somewhat harrowing one.

As Glenn prepared to re-enter the atmosphere, mission managers told him that Friendship 7's protective heat shield may have come loose. This was bad news; if the heat shield came off, the capsule would almost certainly burn up.

Strapped to the outside of Friendship 7 was a package of small retro-rockets, which were designed to help slow the capsule's re-entry. Glenn was told not to jettison the rockets after firing them, in the hopes that the straps would help hold the heat shield on.

During re-entry, "there were flaming chunks of the retro-pack burning off and coming back by the window," Glenn said. "I didn't know for sure whether it was the retro-pack or the heat shield, but there wasn't anything I could do about it either way, except just keep trying to work and keep the spacecraft on its actual best attitude coming back in."

Though everything worked out in the end, Glenn's success was far from assured or pre-ordained. In fact, launching him into orbit was something of a game of Russian roulette, experts say. The odds of success were comparable, anyway.

"His odds of not surviving this was about one in six," former astronaut Steve Lindsey, who flew with Glenn on the?space shuttle?Discovery's STS-95 mission in 1998, said in a recent NASA video. "So it was an extremely high-risk, unknown effort that they were going into, having never done it before."

You can follow SPACE.com senior writer Mike Wall on Twitter:?@michaeldwall. Follow SPACE.com for the latest in space science and exploration news on Twitter?@Spacedotcomand on?Facebook.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/science/~3/g0CbKbafH4o/John-Glenn-s-first-spaceflight-was-fraught-with-risks-and-unknowns

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Dingoes in the dock

Australia's apex predator could finally be officially blamed for an infamous child killing. Time to rethink conservation efforts

IN A few days, Elizabeth Morris, the coroner of Australia's Northern Territory, will open the fourth inquest into one of the country's most infamous incidents.

The hearing will seek to identify once and for all the cause of death of 9-week-old Azaria Chamberlain, who disappeared from her parents' tent at Uluru (Ayers Rock) in August 1980. Her body has never been found.

Her mother Lindy was convicted of murder in 1982 and jailed. Then in 1986 Azaria's jacket was found in a dingo's lair. Lindy was released and the evidence used against her was found to be spectacularly flawed.

Lindy's plight struck a chord around the world. Even Hollywood came calling. "My God, the dingoes took my baby" is an oft-repeated line from the resulting film A Cry in the Dark.

The Chamberlain family now hope to find some sort of resolution by securing an official finding that a dingo was responsible for Azaria's death.

But for an entire species the future is uncertain. What if it is judged to be a baby killer?

Right from the start everybody had an opinion on whether a dingo could have killed Azaria. Many were not prepared to believe it.

The fact that - with the exception of Aboriginal people - very few Australians had any experience of dingoes did not seem to matter. Even if they had wanted to read the relevant natural history of dingo behaviour it was sparse. The problem was that it was not just an ordinary animal and easily classified. At one level it is Canis lupus dingo, a subspecies of dog that arrived in Australia from Asia 3500 years ago as a domesticated animal that later reverted to living in wild packs.

Old books on dog breeds show other aliases: "Australian native dog", "Australian wild dog" and "warrigal". Names are significant and show that the dingo entered the lexicon of Australian nationhood.

It was considered native, wild, and associated with Aboriginal people as a domestic dog, perhaps as a guard dog or hunting dog. Its "true nature" is difficult, if not impossible, to pin down. Anthropologists would rightly say such an animal is dangerously ambiguous. The truth is that the dingo has never been exclusively wild or domesticated, and this is where the danger lies.

In a skilful reading of the way the dingo has entered Aboriginal stories and mythology, Meryll Parker, whose PhD thesis was on the animal, shows how it appears in myths as a fitting metaphor for humans, capable of love, affection, good parenting, loyalty and cooperation. However Parker also points out the existence of "warning myths". Aboriginal people knew about another side to the dingo: that like them it faced adverse conditions and would take food wherever it could.

Repeatedly, Parker found Aboriginal stories and recorded conversations emphasising how the young and the frail should not wander off alone or be allowed to fall behind moving groups, how babies must be carefully looked after in camps, and how the dingo had a reputation for sneaking in behind their wind shelters.

By contrast, most white Australians who expressed an opinion had never been near a dingo. What counted to them was the animal's brutal experience with authorities in their country. Precisely because it had been mercilessly hunted and widely eradicated by the livestock industry, it appeared rather like the heroic figure of the outlaw, or bushranger, resisting authority. Many Australians are distrustful of powerful interest groups and not easily persuaded to exercise muscle over the powerless.

They would know that dingoes probably do steal sheep but since dingoes had gained the status of native animals, they had a just claim to stay. This made Australians reluctant to see the animal persecuted any further.

If the Chamberlain case is decided against the dingo it will be events on Fraser Island in Queensland that clinch it. Here was an island population of dingoes which experts claimed were the least contaminated of their kind by cross-breeding with domestic dogs. As such they became the stars of a major eco-tourist venture, with the island attracting up to 500,000 visitors a year in recent decades. In order to emphasise its unique and pristine nature, the dingo's wildness and nativeness was overemphasised, with its nature carefully crafted in brochures and advertising.

It was never shown in packs, and typically in the distance. And as the anthropologist Adrian Peace wrote, "it appeared isolated and a threat to no one - and so all the more a candidate for conservation".

Yet after a multitude of reports of biting, including one in which a 14-month-old child was dragged into the bush, and another in which a pack attacked an elderly German woman sunbathing, the conservation discourse quickly shifted to consider culling. It is telling that these incidents were blamed on "unnatural" behaviour. Then in April 2001, 9-year-old Clinton Gage was attacked and quickly killed by two dingoes on the island.

If the conservation movement insists on unrealistic conceptions of the dingo, as happened with Fraser Island, then the future of the species in Australia does not look good. Attacks may continue, with culling of problem animals the inevitable result.

However, if it is finally accepted that a dingo killed Azaria, and that dingoes naturally have a complex repertoire of behaviours that include symbiotic and predatory associations with humans, then it can be assigned its place on the landscape as a dangerous animal and conserved as such animals are everywhere, with its separation from people given due weight.

Adrian Franklin is an anthropologist at the University of Tasmania, Australia, specialising in human-animal relations. His books include Nature and Social Theory (Sage Publications, 2001) and Animal Nation: The true story of animals in Australia (UNSW Press, 2006)

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Monday, February 20, 2012

What Made Home Security Systems a Necessity

? The deal that Tony had gotten | Home

By admin | February 20, 2012

Whenever my friends and I would have a discussion, a home security system would always be one of the topics. I don?t know why, perhaps it is because two of our friends already have one. My friend said that a home security system is necessary because it will be able to protect your family from burglars. So basically, you would be safe at night. My other friend added that it does not only protect you during the evening but also during the morning, considering that criminals today are ?fearless? and would perpetrate a crime even in broad daylight. I believe that my friends have clearly defined what makes a Home Security San Diego very important.

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Source: http://www.logancountyhomebuilders.com/home-improvements/what-made-home-security-systems-a-necessity/

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Inhabitat's Week in Green: 'Plantscraper' vertical farm, new wave energy and a battery-powered iPhone case

Each week our friends at Inhabitat recap the week's most interesting green developments and clean tech news for us -- it's the Week in Green.

Groundbreaking green architecture burst into life in Sweden this week as Inhabitat reported that Plantagon began construction on the world's first 'Plantscraper' vertical farm. We also marveled at artist Yayoi Kusama's dazzling Infinity Mirror Room, which shines with the reflections of thousands of LEDs, and we shared the bubbly modular AMPS living wall system. Meanwhile, the MoMA PS1 Young Architects Program announced that HWKN's bright blue spiky sea-urchin shaped pavilion will be popping up this summer, PinkCloud.DK unveiled plans to transform oil refineries into giant energy positive communities and the UK granted planning commission for its first amphibious house.

We also showcased several amazing applications for LEGO bricks this week: a NYC apartment renovated with 20,000 plastic bricks, a gigantic LEGO-inspired church in the Netherlands and a remarkable fully articulated prosthetic LEGO arm. Speaking of next-gen prosthetics, this week Israeli scientists demoed a real-life "Star Trek" VISOR that enables the blind to see, and Nike took the wraps off a prosthetic running sole for amputee triathlete Sarah Reinertsen.

This also marked a heated week for energy news as solar power heavyweight Sunpower sued Solarcity over stolen data, and Aquamarine Power geared up to connect its new wave energy generator to the UK's national grid. We also got ready for rough days ahead with the waterproof, armageddon-ready, solar-charged, battery-powered iPhone case, and we got things cooking with Biolite's brilliant new camping stove, which converts waste heat into electricity for USB gadgets. Last but not least, we were wowed by several amazing new applications for discarded tech: Sean Avery's astounding animal sculptures made from shattered CDs and Paola Mirai's elegant jewelry fashioned out of discarded computer circuits.

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Inhabitat's Week in Green: 'Plantscraper' vertical farm, new wave energy and a battery-powered iPhone case originally appeared on Engadget on Sun, 19 Feb 2012 20:30:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Free Pets to Good Home ? Blog Archive ? You Possibly Can Handle ...

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Swatting or hitting your pet dog isn't a great training process. The easiest way to prevent your pet dog coming from shouting too much, is usually to cause him to at ease something your dog barks on often. Extreme most dogs ...

Source: http://siscer.net/articles/pets/you-possibly-can-handle-this-challenge-by-means-of-promptly-ceasing-your-pet-in-case-this-individual-chews-a-good-unsuitable-merchandise/

France, Britain urge unity among Syrian opposition (Reuters)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Reuters - French President Nicolas Sarkozy, flanked by British Prime Minister David Cameron, urged Syrian opponents of President Bashar al-Assad on Friday to unite so that the outside world could help them overthrow him.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/britain/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120217/wl_nm/us_france_britain_syria

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Box Office Preview: 'Ghost Rider' has the spirit (AP)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

Nicolas Cage poses next to poster art from his latest film, 'Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance,' at a promotional event with fans at Times Scare in New York on Friday, Feb. 10, 2012. The film, also starring Johnny Whitworth and Idris Elba, opens on Feb. 17. (AP Photo/StarPix, Dave Allocca)    -PICTURED: Nicolas Cage -PHOTO by: Dave Allocca/Starpix -FILENAME: DA5670255.JPG -LOCATION: Times Scare  Startraks Photo New York, NY For licensing please call 212-414-9464 or emailAP - Sony's "Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance" in 3-D, starring Nicolas Cage as Marvel Comic character Johnny Blaze, is looking to kick President's weekend into high gear with an expected four-day holiday debut around $30 million.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/movies/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120216/ap_en_mo/us_box_office_preview

Friday, February 17, 2012

Reports: More Chinese cities seize iPads (AP)

BEIJING ? Authorities have seized iPads from retailers in more Chinese cities in an escalating dispute between Apple Inc. and a struggling local company over the trademark for the popular tablet computer, news reports said Thursday.

The Chinese company, Shenzhen Proview Technology, said this week it will ask customs officials to stop imports and exports of iPads, a move that might disrupt global sales because the tablets are manufactured in China.

iPads were seized in the central city of Zhengzhou and the eastern port of Qingdao, a website run by newspaper China Business News said. Seizures were reported earlier in the cities of Shijiazhuang and Xuzhou.

Proview said it has asked regulators in more than 40 cities to investigate possible trademark violations.

Chinese media say Proview is deeply in debt and observers have suggested the company needs a large settlement to repay creditors.

"We've appealed to Apple through its agents to have a settlement, but so far we haven't received any response from them," said a Proview lawyer, Xie Xianghui. He declined to say how much Proview wants.

An employee of the press office of Zhengzhou's Administration of Industry and Commerce confirmed some iPads were seized there.

"One of our local offices seized iPads from a shop and sealed them off based on the Chinese Trademark Law, although we did not carry out a city-wide seizure," said the employee, who would give only his surname, Jiang.

A spokesman for Qingdao's Administration of Industry and Commerce said he knew of no order to seize iPads but said the agency was monitoring the legal process.

"We're investigating iPad sales in the city and will move quickly once there is a final legal judgment," said the spokesman, who would give only his surname, He.

A spokesman for Weihai's commerce agency said he knew of no citywide seizures but said local offices might be investigating sales or collecting evidence. He refused to give his name.

Shenzhen Proview Technology is a subsidiary of LCD screen maker Proview International Holdings Ltd., headquartered in Hong Kong.

Proview registered the iPad trademark in China in 2001. Apple bought rights to the name from a Taiwan company affiliated with Proview but the mainland company says it still owns the name in China. A Chinese court rejected Apple's claim to the name in China last year. Apple has appealed.

Apple, based in Cupertino, California, insists it owns the iPad name and has accused Proview of failing to honor its agreement.

Apple has cited a Hong Kong court ruling last year that concluded Proview and the Taiwan company both were controlled by the same Taiwanese businessman, Yang Long-san.

The judge said the companies acted together "with the common intention of injuring Apple" and granted a temporary order barring Proview from transferring rights to the iPad name in China.

Proview also has filed suit against Apple in Shanghai and the cities of Shenzhen and Huizhou, according to Xie.


AP researcher Yu Bing contributed.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/tech/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120216/ap_on_hi_te/as_china_apple_ipad_dispute

Ryan James Yezak, Independent Filmmaker, Explains 'What Homosexuality Is Not' (VIDEO)

Independent filmmaker Ryan James Yezak's trailer for "Second Class Citizens," a planned documentary about the gay rights movement, went viral almost instantaneously upon its release last month. Now Yezak is hoping to follow up on the success of that video with two slickly-produced new clips in support of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights.

Yezak's two latest videos, "What Homosexuality Is Not" and "It's Time To Think Different," are done in a similar stream-of-consciousness style to their predecessor, which snippets of LGBT-friendly Hollywood movies like "Clueless" and "My Best Friend's Wedding," along with archival news footage, intercut with anecdotal dialogue from a varying series of narrators.

As The New Civil Rights Movement is pointing out, Yezak was criticized by some in the LGBT community for his first video's lack of diversity -- and based on the new clips, that critique did not go unnoticed by the filmmaker.

To donate to Yezak's film, click here.

View "What Homosexuality is Not" below:

View "It's Time To Think Different" below:

"; var coords = [-5, -72]; // display fb-bubble FloatingPrompt.embed(this, html, undefined, 'top', {fp_intersects:1, timeout_remove:2000,ignore_arrow: true, width:236, add_xy:coords, class_name: 'clear-overlay'}); });

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/16/what-homosexuality-is-not_n_1282492.html

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Senior Home Care: A Supporting Gear for the Old and Infirm

It may be quite difficult task to find the most appropriate senior home care service provider that is capable in handling particular requirements. Since old age bears complicated ailments along with frail health, home medical care professionals enjoy high demand. However, the budget limitations should be kept in mind while availing such critical service provisions. So you should be armed with certain tips to find your desired expert in this field. The following content will throw light on some of them.

At the very beginning you must measure the illness level of the ailing elders at home and then identify your requirements. Decide whether you need 24/7 care or limited provisions. Sometime senior age prevents the patients from performing own basic activities. If such ailing people belong to nuclear family set ups then it is arduous task to properly look after them. So, there is no other effective alternative than to hire professional senior caregivers for most part of the day. Moreover, the professionals should possess a humanistic approach in their service to offer warm and affectionate helping hand to the patients.

Once you gauge the level of ailment then you need to shortlist few professional senior healthcare providers. Now, you are required to judge and balance the quality and strength of the companies. Here are certain steps to perform it.

It is crucial to weigh the experience level of your preferred service provider. Senior home care is a high-level professional area and there should not be any compromise with the outcome. Well-established companies possess the dynamism and expertise to handle any level of complicacy. Since this service deals with human life, expertise counts in a big way.

Along with checking the experience level of the company you should thoroughly probe the profile and background of the service provider. Without appropriate training facility in the concerned field the caregivers cannot attain mastery to look after the critically ailing senior people at home. It ensures peace of mind for the family member no doubt.

Thoroughly check and verify the licenses of the Home health care providers. Several companies are cropping up like mushrooms in the medical world. This does not guarantee that all of them are expert in providing quality service. Proper licenses somehow guarantee the quality of their holders. Moreover, you need to check whether the companies are available on 24/7 basis throughout the year. In case the condition of the patient deteriorates then you will need emergency care provisions.

However, unfortunately things sometimes go out of control despite ensuring the best possible health care regime at home. Patient?s age and extent of illness may prove to be great obstacles in enabling the ailing members regain their lost health and fitness. In such situations nursing home may prove to be ideal destinations for the ill people. Moreover, when they come back home after a long time, senior home care service proves to quite critical assistance to instill physical and psychological stamina into the body and mind of our beloved elderly people at home.


Want to more about Home Care, elderly care, elder home care then visit http://www.caresensehc.com

Source: http://www.pro-pr.org/senior-home-care-supporting-gear-infirm/

small-scale mining in Namibia ? Business ? Sales ? The Mining ...

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author?s information and copyright must be included.

Source: http://vacationlyricssimpleplan.jeremypinc.com/2125/small-scale-mining-in-namibia-business-sales-the-mining/

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A1 Answers Articles ? Small Business Direct Mail Marketing ...

Direct mail marketing remains one of the most potent and effective ways for virtually any small business to get new clients and to sell more products and services to existing customers and clients, too.

The reason so many business owners claim it doesn?t work, or have had problems with it themselves is they?re ignoring some essential but very uncomplicated rules. You can?t expect to mail any old thing out to the world and have hordes of eager buyers come knocking at your door seeking to shove money into your pockets. If that?s how it worked, every business owner would be prosperous!

So to be successful with your small business advertising, you must adhere to the rules. These rules have been proven to be effective over a century and a half of experiment.

These are not legal requirements, mind. Instead they?re just guidelines which, when adhered to, have been shown to optimize the Return on Investment. You are free to overlook them if you desire ? but you do it at your own peril.

Lamentably, almost all direct mail campaigns are produced by people who are simply not up to the job. Usually it?s graphic designers, and while they may be fantastic at developing pretty artwork, they are almost never qualified in direct marketing. Your stuff might just appear marvelous, but who cares? if it?s not making you any revenue?

I warn you: your graphic designer and printer will loathe this guidance I?m giving you, and will most likely tell you it won?t work. If they do then, merely tell them you?ll split-test their variation against yours, and the loser pays for the entire mailing. Get them to stick their money where their mouth is. Here are a couple of simple ideas I recommend you try out in your direct mail marketing, and just see the difference they make.

Rule # 1: Don?t scream ?ADVERTISING?

Huge mistake coming up: most direct mail marketing looks like just what it is: mass produced, abstract sales spiels in a low-priced envelope with a trendy logo on the front. This is a really dreadful idea..

Why? Because it?s obvious even to my dog this is an advertising piece ? and it follows you?re going to seek and sell me something, which straightaway puts me on the defensive.

Rather than doing this, invest in some proper ?personal? envelopes, get them hand-addressed or make use of a good handwriting font, and then stick on a real stamp from the Royal Mail. Yes, it?s a bit more bother and a tad more expensive, but the increased responses will more than repay your cost.

If you are compelled have a return address on it, simply put the address in the top left corner ? no business name, no logo.

Just doing this one means your direct mail is going to be delivered to and opened by many, many more people. No one can resist a hand-addressed personal letter.

Rule # 2: Write like a real human being

But ? if you go through most direct mail marketing pieces, they?re dull, humdrum and full of wind. They don?t seem to be there for any specific reason other than ?brand awareness?. Disregard that immediately. Your ?brand awareness? will be a byproduct of your success, not the other way around.

So compose your direct mail piece from one particular person to another, in casual, friendly terms. And then, make sure you?re writing about one thing, and one thing only.

Single out, highlight and promise to fix a SINGLE problem in the headline; inform them you can solve it and how they are able to get the solution in the copy; and then in the call to action inform them plainly and unambiguously what they will need to do to get it, why they ought to do this (and why they need to do it NOW rather than later), and what ?ll happen if they don?t. Simple.

These ideas alone will make a huge difference to your results, I guarantee.

Related Posts

Source: http://articles.a1answers.com/small-business-direct-mail-marketing-strategies-effective-tips-for-small-businesses-56981.html

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Grammy Awards Fashion Face-Off: LL Cool J vs. Bruno Mars

Two of the slickest superstars on the planet are pitted against each other in this Fashion Face-Off.

First, we have LL Cool J, the host of the 2012 Grammy Awards, who had the unenviable task last night of MCing an event over which a pall had been cast, due to Whitney Houston's tragic death. But the actor/rapper kicked off the ceremony with a prayer and handled his duties as well as could be expected.

His competition? Bruno Mars, producer/performer extraordinaire, and possibly the most talented man in the music business today.

Compare. Contrast. And vote between these icons below:

Source: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2012/02/grammy-awards-fashion-face-off-ll-cool-j-vs-bruno-mars/

Nicki Minaj Grammy Performance Deemed "Vulgar" By Catholic League

And... there it is.

As expected, the Catholic League has issued a statement regarding Nicki Minaj's controversial performance of "Roman Holiday" at the Grammy Awards Sunday night, which featured choir boys, bishops, holy water, faux possessions, levitation and a confessional.

Nicki Minaj - "Roman Holiday" (2012 Grammy Performance)play
Nicki Minaj - "Roman Holiday" (2012 Grammy Performance)

"Nicki Minaj, fresh off looking like a fool with Madonna at the Super Bowl, showed up last night on the red carpet at the Grammys with a guy dressed like the pope. This was just a prelude of what was to come," wrote Catholic League President Bill Donahue, adding:

"Perhaps the most vulgar part was the sexual statement that showed a scantily clad female dancer stretching backwards while an altar boy knelt between her legs in prayer. Finally, 'Come All Ye Faithful' was sung while a man posing as a bishop walked on stage; Minaj was shown levitating."

Donahue concluded by calling out the Grammys themselves, writing:

"Whether Minaj is possessed is surely an open question, but what is not in doubt is the irresponsibility of The Recording Academy. Never would they allow an artist to insult Judaism or Islam."

What is Nicki's defense of her act? She told Ryan Seacrest it was all about an alter ego named Roman. Naturally.

"I had this vision for Roman, for him to be exorcised, but people around him telling him he's not good enough, that he's not normal, he's not fitting in with the average Joe," Nicki explained. "He wanted to show that not only is he amazing and confident, but he's never going to be exorcised and when they throw the holy water on him, he rises above it."

Well... okay then.


Source: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2012/02/nicki-minaj-grammy-performance-deemed-vulgar-by-catholic-league/

Sunday, February 12, 2012

I'm A Kinder Mom!!!! - A Mom After God's Own Heart

I am so excited to announce that Mom Central Canada and Kinder Canada have chosen me (as well as some of my favorite blogging moms) to be a Kinder Mom in 2012!!!

What does a Kinder Mom do??

Well over the next three months my family, friends and I will get the opportunity to test and eat Kinder Surprise Eggs (yummy chocolate with a hidden toy), but more than that, I am going to be sharing some amazing ideas about the importance of play in the lives of children. As an Early Childhood Education, mom of two, and owner/operator of my own family child care program in my home, play is super important to me. Children's work is to play and when they play they learn! So bring on play in all its truest sense...and what better way to play then during school breaks.

If you are a parent of a child in school, you know that Spring Break is approaching fast. Many of the Provinces in Canada will have children out of school during March or April (for example, my oldest is off school the week after Easter in April).

However, here in Canada, some of the Provinces also have breaks in February. Here in Alberta on February 20 it is Family Day, and as well, those in the Education system have a three day Teacher Convention. What this means is a full week of for the kids.

A full week off of school sounds like a blast to many kids, and many families choose this week to take their families on trips to warm locales, skiing or other places. In today's economy though many families are trying to live more frugally, and today I am going to give you some ideas of things you can do with your kids when they are on school breaks.

1. Scavenger Hunt - this is an activity that can be as detailed or easy as you make it. For younger children, you can do a color hunt...look for one red item, two blue items, three green items, and so on. This would be a great way to reinforce counting and color recognition. For older children, make it a photo scavenger hunt - make a list of things that they need to find...give them a digital camera (or use your cell) to capture each item.

2. Movie Marathon - does your family have a favorite television series or movie series? Take time during your child's school break to pull out the family favorites and get the yummy snacks (popcorn, pretzels, etc) and cozy up together on the couch. Yes, there is not a lot of conversation happening but you are still together as a family. My favorite movies to do this with are Anne of Green Gables, Little House on the Prairie, the Buddies movies (Air Buddies, Santa Buddies, etc), Alvin and the Chipmunks movies. Decide as a family what you want to watch and have fun!

3. Do a service project together - head over to your local food bank or soup kitchen and volunteer your time together as a family

4. Check out your city's great activities for families - for example, around Southern Alberta there are fantastic ways to have fun as a family, with many museums, a super nature center, swimming pools, bowling, and more. It does not have to cost a lot, and it many cases, anything, for a family to have some fun together.

5. Go to the library - your kids already likely have to do a lot of reading for school, so during breaks, let them pick up their favorite books and have a blast reading. Opens things up for great discussions about what they are reading too.

6. Have a picnic - of course if you live in Canada, school break in February may be a little hard to do this...but other locales may have the weather to cooperate for sure. And by March or April, the weather likely will be better to have a picnic.

7. Wacky Science Week - as a family try out a bunch of different science activities that can be done right in your own home, with very little money spent. Check out Science At Home for tons of ideas for babies, toddlers and kids!

8. Get Outside - most cities and towns across Canada and the United States have tons of walking paths to take advantage of as a family. Make it a goal to try out three during spring break then talk about your families favorite. Go for a hike, a bike ride or even to the local park and kick a soccer ball around.

9. Check out special events that happen in your city running especially for Spring Break. Many Art Gallerys, or Fitness Centers have Spring Day Camps, or classes to help your child learn new skills, improve on skills already mastered and gets them out of the house.

10. Family Project - pick a project around the house and have the whole family pitch in to help complete it during the week. Can be as simple as the redecorating the kids' room, building a toy box from scratch or planting a garden.

I hope these activities have given you some inspiration to have a great Family Day (February 20, 2012), Teacher's Convention (here in Alberta) or Spring Break time as a family!

For my family, we don't take holidays during Spring Break or February Break, rather in the summer. But I am going to be doing a ton of fun things with my girls and my family child care program during this two weeks, when school is out. I am planning a backyard obstacle course (if we have snow, I will incorporate it), a Wacky Science day or two, a baking day, a Loose Parts Art Day (going to give the children a whole table full of open-ended art materials (mostly recyclables like paper towel rolls, tissue paper, string, and more) along with markers, crayons, glue and scissors and them them create. I will also be planning some Easter and Spring related activities for April but haven't gotten that far yet:)

What are you planning to do with your family this Spring Break (whenever your children are off, whether February or April or both)?

You can find Kinder Canada on Facebook and Twitter

***Disclosure: I received special perks as part of my participation as a Kinder Mom, courtesy of Kinder Canada and Mom Central Canada. All opinions expressed are my own***

Source: http://therempels4.blogspot.com/2012/02/im-kinder-mom.html

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Saturday, February 11, 2012

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World News - What gives? Another American in Libya no-fly limbo

Mustafa Elogbi, 60, a U.S. citizen of Libyan origins, poses for pictures with children from a refugee camp during a visit to Libya in 2011.

By Kari Huus, msnbc.com

Remember Jamal Tarhuni, the U.S. businessman whom?msnbc.com reported on last week because he was denied boarding on his flight home from North Africa and summoned to the U.S. Embassy for questioning by the FBI? It turns out?a second American is?in the same security limbo in Tripoli ? also a Libyan-born businessman from Portland, Oregon. In some ways, the story of Mustafa Elogbi, 60, is even more harrowing.

Now both are in limbo in Tripoli, saying they don?t know why they were targeted, nor whether they will be allowed to proceed home.

"My husband has been traveling (to Libya) for the last three years, regularly," Elogbi?s wife, Annie Petrossian, said?in a phone interview from Portland. "Now suddenly the regime changes in Libya, and it becomes an issue. How come it was not an issue just three months ago before the regime changed in Libya? And now it became a problem?"

The secrecy that?surrounds security investigations makes them extremely difficult to assail. But civil rights activists say these cases suggest a troubling pattern ? or two of them ? that the federal government should address.

The nonprofit Muslim civil rights group Council on American Islamic Relations is calling for the Department of Justice to investigate "a pattern of unconstitutional activity emanating from the FBI's Field Office in Portland."

The Libyan League for Human Rights says it looking into a pattern "of American citizens of Libyan descent who traveled to Libya during the revolution have been detained and interrogated by the FBI, TSA, and CBP in recent months? The individuals in question were asked about their activities in Libya as well as their political and religious leanings."

Elogbi, like Tarhuni, is a naturalized U.S. citizen and longtime Portland resident. He first came to the United States as a student in the 1970s. Elogbi met and married his wife?in Portland, and they have raised five children there, while running a shop selling halal foods and imports.

U.S. aid worker: U.S. bars my return

A few years ago, toward the?end of the decades-long dictatorship of Moammar Gadhafi in Libya, when Washington and Tripoli improved ties, Elogbi?finally returned to Libya to visit family,?Petrossian said.

"It was his father (in Libya) who was always saying, ?Don?t come back, don?t come back, there are no rights here,'" said Petrossian. "It had been about 30 years since he had been to Libya before he went to visit."

During the revolution to topple Gadhafi in 2011, Elogbi got involved in humanitarian work in Libya, traveling there several times over the past year, visiting hospitals and refugee camps.

UK officials and "Brian" from Portland
This time, Elogbi boarded a flight from Tunisia to London on Jan. 8 after spending more than two months in Libya. He planned to spend a one-night layover with relatives in London before flying to Portland.

But when Elogbi stepped off the plane at London?s Heathrow Airport, he was met by four British agents who told him to hand over his passport and cell phone.

"They said, 'The order is coming from your own home country,'" said Petrossian.

He then spent several hours being detained, questioned, photographed and searched. The UK asked him questions about what he was doing in Libya, the whereabouts of his siblings in and outside Libya and who he spent time on his last day in Libya. Petrossian said the last day of her husband?s trip happened to overlap with that of a friend from Portland, so they spent it together. Security officials wanted to know that man?s job.

"(The officials) said that they weren?t going to let him fly back to the U.S., and that protocol was that he was to be sent back to Tunisia," she said.

Elogbi reportedly spent three days locked up in Colnbrooks? an immigration removal center near Heathrow Airport ? before he was put on a flight back to Tunis.

"They transported him in the back of a truck, it was nighttime and it was a very frightening situation," said Petrossian. "He was being treated?like some sort of a criminal. It was really, really traumatizing? He was stripped of his rights. It was horrific."

From Tunis, Elogbi returned to Tripoli to be with relatives, and has remained there since. When someone who identified himself only as "Brian" repeatedly called Elgobi on his cell phone saying he wanted to interview Elogbi, and that he should go to the embassy in Tunisia, he refused.

It later became clear that Brian was an agent from the FBI field office in Portland ? one of three agents who had flown in to question him and Tarhuni.

Elogbi did not go to Tunis, about a one-hour flight from Tripoli,?for what was being billed as an interview.

"He wasn't well enough to travel," according to Petrossian, who said her husband had a bad case of bronchitis. "And he wondered why he should be interviewed by the FBI outside the United States? and why they would send three agents across the world to see him. Interesting. My husband is somebody who is always available when he?s in Portland."

Muslim travelers say they're still saddled with 9/11 baggage

Is mosque the nexus?
The lack of information on these cases and others like them has the families, civil rights advocates and lawyers grasping for an explanation.

For Portland Muslims, it?s easy to characterize the Tarhuni and Elogbi cases as an extension of FBI focus on their community, and on the As-Saber Mosque, where many of them worship, in particular.

Lina Tarhuni, 23, subscribes to this theory to help explain her father?s ordeal.

"(The FBI) is running into a dead wall ? They just want to find just one person so they can say look we caught a bad guy? went to this mosque. They have no more information here ? now the only way to do it, is by saying that we need to tap into people who are traveling."

Some of the Portland Seven, who were indicted in 2001?on allegations that they were plotting to work with al-Qaida and wage war against the United States, had attended As-Saber. ?

Another terrorism suspect,?"Christmas Tree bomber" Mohamud Osman Mohamud was known to pray at the mosque.

The FBI tracked Mohamud, a Somali-American teenager, for several years and then swooped in and arrested him when, at 19, he allegedly tried to detonate a bomb at a crowded Christmas tree lighting event in Portland on Nov. 2010. The bomb was a fake provided by an FBI undercover agent posing as a member of a ring of Islamist extremists.

When the case goes to trial in April the prosecution is expected to lay out Mohamud?s alleged efforts to contact al-Qaida and his radical beliefs. The defense will argue that the FBI used entrapment to net the young?Mohamud.

Another As-Saber worshipper is Brandon Mayfield, a Portland attorney who the FBI erroneously linked to a 2004 bombing in Spain that killed 191 people. Mayfield, a convert to Islam, was held as a material witness in a Portland detention center for two weeks without charges on the chance that he might have information about the bombings. Ultimately, the court dismissed the case, and the FBI apologized and admitted to faulty fingerprinting.

Michael Migliore, a Muslim convert who attended the mosque found he was ? apparently ? on the government?s no-fly list when he tried to leave Portland to visit his mother in Italy. Migliore took a train to the East coast, then boarded a cruise ship to London, because he could not fly. Even then he was questioned by British authorities and detained for about 10 hours before being allowed to travel on.

The FBI is cornering subjects like Elogbi and Tarhuni overseas, where they are under pressure to talk without legal counsel or become informants because their passage home is at stake, according to Gadeir Abbas, a staff attorney for CAIR who has worked on many no-fly cases.

"It?s a way to get consent to an FBI interrogation that otherwise would not be forthcoming," said Abbas, who has had dozens of cases involving Muslim Americans detained and questioned overseas, and in many cases have been denied the right to fly home to the United States.

Interrogating by proxy sometimes also has advantages for U.S. investigators, he said.

"In this case, British customs officials have been enlisted to do what the FBI would not be allowed to do in the United States ? to detain Mr. Elogbi without due process and to intimidate him into giving up his constitutional?right to silence," he argued.

Are Libyan Americans a new target?
There may be another trend represented by Tarhuni and Elogbi?s plight, according to Yasmeen Ar-Rayani, the North American spokeswoman of the Libyan League for Human Rights.

"I think the tactic that CAIR is highlighting is most likely being employed here,? said Al-Rayani. "But the motives they have for employing it are different than in other cases."

"The U.S. has a real strategic interest in controlling the outcome of the Libyan revolution. One way of exerting that control is to find ways of intimidating problematic people in the community ? or to infiltrate these problematic circles with informants."

After Tarhuni?s daughter posted his?plight?on line two weeks ago, the human rights league started receiving reports from other Libyan Americans of seemingly similar encounters with security officials in recent months ? at borders, some when visited by agents in their homes, and some where the subject was prohibited from flying. They are exploring about 15 complaints to see if they support a strong hunch.

Initially, at least, Ar-Rayani says questioning seems to focus on the political affiliations, contacts?and religious persuasions: Who did they spend time with in Libya, where are their siblings, what role did they play in the revolution, did they have contact with Islamist parties or extremist groups such as al-Qaida, did they have contact with or see the Muslim Brotherhood in Libya?

Testing the water
Elogbi and Tarhuni have booked new tickets and are scheduled to board a flight back to the United States on Feb. 13, arriving in Portland on Feb. 14. Their Portland attorney Tom Nelson is traveling to the region so he can accompany them on the flight.

The two men do not know whether they are included on the U.S. government?s secret no-fly list. As per government security policy, the FBI will not confirm or deny it.

The FBI field office in Portland also declined comment on the case involving the Portland men.

Thus they do not know if they will be prevented from boarding in Tunis, or in Paris or Amsterdam, where they change planes. They say that Mike Sweeney, consul at the U.S. Embassy in Tunis told them, to go ahead and book their flights home, making sure to inform of their itinerary.

Sweeney, who responded last week that he could not comment on the cases of Tarhuni or Elogbi, out of privacy concerns, did not respond to further queries about the?travel status for the two men.

They?do not know if they face FBI questioning if they get to Portland, nor whether they will be barred from further air travel, said Petrossian, Elogbi's wife.

"I don?t know what to expect until they are on that very last flight,? she said. ?Even when they land here, what is going to happen next? We really don?t know what to expect."

More from msnbc.com and NBC News:

Follow Kari Huus on Facebook

Source: http://worldnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/02/10/10366092-what-gives-another-american-in-libya-no-fly-limbo

Friday, February 10, 2012

Bad Credit Mortgage Refinance Tips and Advice | Rai Chertkoff Real ...

Mortgage Refinance

Bad credit mortgage refinance is used to help homeowners fix two different problems. Here, we discuss bad credit mortgage refinance, and the options homeowners have:

The First Problem Mortgage Refinance can Fix

A homeowner has a bad credit score, high interest debts, and a home which they have built up equity in. This homeowner can use the equity in their home and pay off their high interest debts by refinancing and getting cash back from the equity. Even though the interest rates you get with a bad credit mortgage refinance are typically higher than the average, they are often always lower than credit card interest rates. So, your total payments to debts should be lower every month, and you can improve your financial situation.

When a homeowner refinances in an attempt to get cash back and pay off other debts, this is called a debt consolidation loan.

In order to do this, the homes market value must have improved, in order to get a higher amount loan than you have now, if you don?t have enough equity at least.

There are several advantages to getting a refinancing, even with not so good credit. The mortgage length can be extended, making the payments lower every month. As said earlier, even though sub prime mortgage rates are higher than average mortgage rates, they are almost always lower than credit card interest rates. So a homeowner can refinance, pay off other debts, and still save money every month. Otherwise foreclosure, or defaulting on your mortgage are going to be the next step.

Homeowners who want to get a debt consolidation loan with a bad credit home loan refinance need to know the importance of actually using the money to pay off your debts.

Free credit counseling is always available from HUD to help prevent homeowners from continuing in their poor credit making decisions.

The Second Problem a Bad Credit Mortgage Refinance Can Fix

Sometimes homeowners have bad credit when they are purchasing their home, and had to get a high interest sub prime mortgage. Since then, sometime has passed, all payments have been made in full and on time, and you are now eligible to get a lower interest rate through mortgage refinancing into a conventional loan.

However, you should know that even if you have remained perfect on all credit issues, a refinancing with less than perfect credit may not be possible into a conventional loan, and a sub prime loan will be needed.

Getting a Bad Credit Mortgage Refinance is a good idea is these statements are true:

1)The new mortgage will have an interest rate which is 2% or more lower than your current home loan.

2)You plan on living in your home for at least 36 months, possibly more.

Related posts:

  1. Bad Credit Mortgage Refinance Advice
  2. A Few Tips On Getting A Bad Credit Mortgage Refinance
  3. Tips for Home Mortgage Refinance
  4. Mortgage Refinance Best Rates
  5. Refinance-Mortgage: With Bad Credit

Source: http://www.rai-chertkoff.com/2012/02/10/bad-credit-mortgage-refinance-tips-and-advice/

Thursday, February 9, 2012

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Source: http://premierpersonnelconsulting.com/2012/02/announcing-our-featured-candidate-listings/

How To Choose A Dentist Manhattan | New Health and Fitness

New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. People consider different things beautiful or not beautiful. It is important that someone have a good image and perception about him or herself. Nice teeth are one of the aspects that people consider beautiful. Choosing the right dental health practitioner is essential for beauty and comfort. Choosing a dentist Manhattan is a crucial process for one to be able to enjoy great dental health.

One should consider several factors before deciding to go with the services of a particular option. One of these factors is the reputation that he or she has on the market for meeting the needs of clients. It is important that the professional have the best reputation for satisfying clients.

These professionals have integrated the internet and its services in their activities. They establish websites that offer the necessary information about their activities and policies. People should consult these websites for information such as the qualifications of the dentists and their backgrounds.

One also has to consider the specific services that he or she needs from these people. This would enable him or her to decide on the most qualified ones. These medical practitioners have specializations in different fields and therefore are best suited for different needs.

Online and offline directories help people to connect with and contact these professionals. They have the business phone numbers of the experts and one should call these numbers before scheduling an appointment for a physical visit. This helps save many money and time resources.

The price is also an important consideration that people have to make. One should do research on dentist Manhattan and get the cheapest options available. These people are in competition for clients and therefore would have different price policies that would benefit the clients.

Learn more here: dentist Manhattan

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Source: http://newhealthandfitness.org/2012/02/08/how-to-choose-a-dentist-manhattan/

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

US trip of China's next leader: From Obama to Iowa

FILE - In this Aug. 19, 2011 file photo, Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping and U.S. counterpart Joe Biden, not in the picture, attend a meeting with U.S. and Chinese business leaders at the Beijing Hotel in Beijing, China. Xi, who will take over the presidency from Hu Jintao next year, will be in the U.S. to meet President Barack Obama and other leaders and introduce himself to a U.S. audience. (AP Photo/Lintao Zhang, Pool, File)

FILE - In this Aug. 19, 2011 file photo, Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping and U.S. counterpart Joe Biden, not in the picture, attend a meeting with U.S. and Chinese business leaders at the Beijing Hotel in Beijing, China. Xi, who will take over the presidency from Hu Jintao next year, will be in the U.S. to meet President Barack Obama and other leaders and introduce himself to a U.S. audience. (AP Photo/Lintao Zhang, Pool, File)

FILE - In this June 9, 2011 file photo, China's Vice President Xi Jinping waves during a welcoming ceremony at the La Moneda presidential palace in Santiago, Chile. Xi, who will take over the presidency from Hu Jintao next year, will be in the U.S. to meet President Barack Obama and other leaders and introduce himself to a U.S. audience. (AP Photo/Aliosha Marquez, File)

FILE - In this March 11, 2008 file photo, China's Polituro standing member and likely future successor to China's President Hu Jintao, Xi Jinping, foreground, delivers remarks as President Hu looks on during the plenary session of the National People's Congress at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China. Xi, who will take over the presidency from Hu Jintao next year, will be in the U.S. to meet President Barack Obama and other leaders and introduce himself to a U.S. audience. (AP Photo/Andy Wong, File)

(AP) ? In 1985, Xi Jinping led a delegation to Muscatine, Iowa, to study advanced hog-raising techniques. He returns next week, preparing to lead the world's most populous nation.

China's vice president, who will take over the presidency from Hu Jintao next year, will be in the U.S. to meet President Barack Obama and other leaders and introduce himself to a U.S. audience. His decision to also visit the families who hosted him years ago is a rare personal touch for a Chinese leader, one that feeds his reputation as a new type of official who dares to step away from the traditional aloofness of Chinese high office.

"He appreciated learning about America on that level, and he is signaling by going there that he is going to be a different kind of leader," said Robert Lawrence Kuhn, an author and a longtime adviser to the Chinese government who has met with Xi for private talks. "He is going to be open. He is going to be appreciative."

Xi's ability to make personal connections and his unassuming confidence will be in much demand as he takes over the leadership of the ruling Communist Party this year, a step toward assuming the presidency.

The 58-year-old faces the tricky task of advancing China's development against the tides of global financial insecurity, resource scarcity, environmental crises and simmering social unrest, particularly in the western regions of Xinjiang and Tibet.

In his appearances, including a Feb. 14 White House meeting with Obama, Xi will offer reassurance that China and the U.S. remain committed to healthy relations, despite occasional turbulence.

"China wants a sign of respect to establish its up-and-coming leader on the world stage," said Joseph Cheng, head of the Contemporary China Research Center at the City University of Hong Kong.

Such visits by other Chinese leaders have been revealing. The risk-taking Deng Xiaoping left his mark in 1979 by attending a rodeo and donning a ten-gallon hat. Visiting just prior to taking power in 2002, Hu showed himself as bland, hyper-cautious and inscrutable.

Xi, who has a glamorous wife and a daughter at Harvard, was a consensus choice when tapped as successor in 2007. He has proven adept at suppressing his own views and avoiding antagonisms among the party's various branches and factions.

Henry Kissinger described him last year as "a more assertive type than we've seen," while Vice President Joe Biden told Xi he was impressed with his "openness and candor."

In Chinese political parlance, Xi is a "princeling," as the sons and daughters of communist China's founding fathers are termed.

His father, Xi Zhongxun, was a key figure in the revolution that swept the communists to power in 1949, but was later imprisoned for nearly 30 years. Released in 1978, he helped establish China's groundbreaking Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.

Xi Jinping spent seven years toiling in the rugged loess hills of northern China before earning a chemistry degree at Beijing's prestigious Tsinghua University. He spent three years as a top general's aide ? imparting him with an important link to the powerful military ? before opting for a decidedly unglamorous administrative posting in heavily agricultural Zhengding county southwest of Beijing.

It was as Zhengding Communist Party secretary that Xi went to Iowa on a mission to study hog raising and experience a slice of Americana. Xi stayed with local families for two nights, visited farms and watched baseball.

Sarah Lande, a Muscatine native who hosted Xi, remembers him as outgoing, organized and self-possessed, dressed in a Western-style suit rather than the drab Mao jackets of previous visitors.

"It was all through interpretation so we couldn't talk one-to-one, but they were very interested in how to produce more food for their country," Lande said in a telephone interview. "It seemed special to us that he would want to know so much about us and how we worked."

Xi's next few postings were in the coastal province of Fujian, where he built up a reputation for breaking bureaucratic logjams.

He eventually became governor, then jumped to one of China's most economically dynamic provinces, Zhejiang. Following a brief spell leading the financial hub of Shanghai, he moved to Beijing as one of nine members of the party's all-powerful Politburo Standing Committee in 2007.

For observers of Chinese politics, Xi poses a riddle: Will he continue to follow or tighten the model of rigid one-party rule married to a market economy, or embark on a relatively more liberal path that could weaken communist authority?

During Xi's five years in Zhejiang, private businesses and business associations thrived, along with some civic society groups. In one provincial city, citizens were given a say in how the local government spends its budget, something that remains extremely rare elsewhere in the country.

While Xi was not necessarily behind such moves, he gets credit for not standing in their way, said Beijing political analyst Li Fan. "Xi is a person who is able to listen to other opinions and accept other views, although he isn't an initiator," he said.

Zhejiang-based pro-democracy activist Yin Weihong is more skeptical, saying Xi was quick to move against pro-democracy activists and did nothing to halt the demolition of a Protestant church that had refused to register with the government.

"I can't recall any instance when he came across as particularly tolerant," Yin said.

Xi has left largely positive impressions on foreign guests, including Biden, with whom he visited earthquake-stricken areas of Sichuan province last year. Biden aides said Xi came across as genuine and noted that he spoke at meetings without notes.

Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad invited Xi back to his state during a trade mission to China in September. He said Xi recalled the names of Iowans he had met and even produced the original itinerary from the visit.

It may be years before Xi's true attitudes are known. Hu, after relinquishing his posts as head of party and state, is expected to retain the key position of military chief through 2014 or beyond. Xi won't truly be his own man until his predecessor exits the stage.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/cae69a7523db45408eeb2b3a98c0c9c5/Article_2012-02-07-AS-China-Future-Leader/id-5f12b3ffd17d44348a6005231a47ce73

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