Friday, November 9, 2012

Daily Kos: Please, Please read. I need information on student loan ...

My ex wife and I divorced in 1999. While I paid child support up until she reached 19; there was no formal legal mention of financial obligations beyond that time. When my daughter started at the state public university; my ex and I agreed to fund every other year of her education.

I was fortunate to be able to fund with cash and one short-term loan my two years (~40K total) plus purchase her a vehicle. My ex decided to take out student loans for my daughter for her share. ?My ex made all the contracts, did all the paperwork, co-signed, received the funds and distributed them to my daughter on an as needed basis.

Her promise to our daughter was that she would make the payments so she would not start life with a huge debt over her head. So far she has not paid back the first penny.

In addition, we have found out that my ex took out student loans that exceeded the amount sent my daughter and the university by about $25,000. ?She has defrauded the lenders and also jeopardized my daughter?s future.

I urged my daughter to inform the authorities immediately but she wanted to protect her Mom. However, now after be harassed at work today by a collection agency she wants to take action.

For those of you who may have some expertise or experience in this area; here are my most pressing questions:

???? Is there a good, honest, reliable, and preferably non-profit, source for information on student loan repayment problem situations that does not end up putting the student deeper in debt?

???? Since these are not federal but private student loans does the Office of the Inspector General in the U.S. Department of Education have a role here? (I was directed here when Googling student loan fraud.)

???? My ex and at least one lender is in the State of Florida. Should I contact the Florida State Attorney General?s office?

My daughter and I realize she has an obligation here to pay for her education. ?The amount was unexpected.

My ex made a verbal commitment which is probably uneforceable. However, she stole loan proceeds and has a liability as the co-signatory. We want her held responsible for her fair share.

She has turned her back on my daughter and will not discuss the situation at all. It looks like at a minimum we may to report her fraud just to get her attentioin.

Any direction and advice would be greatly appreciated.

Education, student loans, student financial assistance, fraud, loan default ?


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Nvidia's 3Q earns rise, company starts dividend

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Too soon? Clinton, Christie lead 2016 NH primary polls

For much of the American electorate, the culmination of the 2012 campaign has provided a much-needed respite from politics. But for the prolific pollsters at Public Policy Polling? Let the 2016 race to the White House begin!

The Democratic-leaning firm gave TPM an early look at its survey of the 2016 presidential field in New Hampshire, which, given the reshuffling of the primary calendar in recent years, may not even maintain its outsized electoral role four years from now.

Regardless, the poll found two clear frontrunners in the race: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie for the Republicans and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for the Democrats.

Twenty-one percent of Republicans in the state favor Christie as the party's nominee in four years. A cluster of prospective candidates trail Christie but still crack 10 percent: Florida Sen. Marco Rubio (14 percent), former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (13 percent), former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (11 percent) and Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan (10 percent).

Ryan and Rice enjoy the highest name recognition among Republican voters in the state and that helps give them both a favorability rating above 80 percent. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, on the other hand, is viewed favorably by only 48 percent of his fellow Republicans in New Hampshire. Along with Paul, only former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum are viewed unfavorably by more than 20 percent of New Hampshire Republicans.

Democrats, meanwhile, overwhelmingly back a Clinton candidacy, providing further indication that the party's nomination in 2016 is likely hers if she wants it. The poll shows that 60 percent of New Hampshire Democrats give her nod, creating miles of separation from the other seven candidates included in the survey. After Clinton, only Vice President Joe Biden ? who cryptically told reporters on Election Day that he wasn't voting for himself for the last time ? reaches 10 percent.

Polls have routinely shown Clinton to be the most popular member of the Obama administration, and a separate PPP survey showed her as the prohibitive favorite to win the next Iowa caucuses. So dominant is her current standing in the party that PPP asked New Hampshire Democrats who they would support if she weren't in the 2016 field. With Clinton out of the picture, Biden emerges as a mild favorite with the support of 26 percent. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (15 percent), newly elected Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren (11 percent) and Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick (9 percent) trail Biden. Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley, Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer and Virginia Sen. Mark Warner all fail to break 5 percent.

Known for its fertile output, such a poll shouldn't be surprising from PPP. The North Carolina-based firm frequently asks voters for their take on local sports teams and issues that occur at the intersection of politics and pop culture. But PPP is hardly alone in its gaze toward 2016. This week's issue of Time includes a glossy slide show of potential contenders for the next presidential election. And Rubio will reportedly be travelling to Iowa next weekend for a political fundraiser.

PPP's survey indicated that nearly 30 percent of New Hampshire Republicans don't have an opinion of Florida's junior senator. Fortunately for Rubio, he has four years to change that.


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Thursday, November 1, 2012

First time homebuyer, currently paying cheap rent. ... - Zillow Real ...

I am not a lender nor a real estate agent. just an everyday normal guy. but what i am doing is similar, though my financials vary just a smidge. I am looking to buy a 60-75000 house. lets just choose 60000 for a round number. I will put 10k down and I make about 15,000 annually so keeping my payments low are the goal here. I can rent an apartment for a minimum of 500/mo but by the time I add in utilites and groceries etc. Im probably in over my head. but with a house at 30 year @ 3.706% my payments are in the 470/mo range. and i have an asset in my name. ?although the difference is only 30 in this scenario it still gets my point across. buying a house can be more advantageous than renting.
just a personal preefence here but if you plan on living somewhere for more than five years buy a house, if not rent.


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Over 650 attend ?Women & Agriculture ... - Small Business Can

Over 650 attended the Women & Agriculture Conference in Killarney on October 17th. The main themes were ?The Farming Journey? and ?Personal Journeys?. Speakers on the day included Matt Dempsey (Editor of the Irish Farmers Journal), Dr.Thia Hennessy (Agriculture Economist, Teagasc), ?ine Lawlor (RTE) and Dr. Maureen Gaffney (Psychologist and Broadcaster).

As the Senior Agriculture Manager at Ulster Bank and also a chosen ambassador for women in business, I felt this was a very worthwhile and well structured conference. The conference focused on informing, educating, entertaining and bringing essential and important topics to the audience, which are all relevant to women involved in agriculture. The conference started in 2008 with over 600 attending each year and is now regarded as one of the biggest female conferences taking place in Ireland.

About ailishbyrne

Ailish is the Ulster Bank Senior Agricultuiral Manager and an active farmer. She completed a PhD in Farm Financial Management, through Teagasc and UCD.


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1806 Rustic Hills Ct., Sugar Land, Texas 77479 at Real Estate Video ...

Description:?Contact Demetri Moore at (281) 221-1845 ? ? If you want to live on the water, you have to see this home! Stunning 5BR w/master on 1st floor located on a quiet cul-de-sac.Open floor plan w/lots of windows,built-in bookshelves, huge secondary bdrms,slate entry, hardwood in den, formal living,study & tile in all wet areas. Island kitchen w/double oven. Also feature study,formal dining & game room upstairs w/balcony overlooking lake.Master w/sitting area, whirlpool tub/separate shower & his/her closets. Refrigerator, washer/dryer remain.


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