Sunday, June 3, 2012

Extreme Parenting or Extreme Stupidity? - Parents -

by Michele Cheplic | More from this Blogger

01 Jun 2012 11:56 PM


No parent takes delight in seeing his child fail at school. However, most moms and dads don't try to disown their kid when she flunks a test.

It's called being reasonable, rational... sane.

Sadly, some parents don't exercise these gifts and you end up with a story like Tuan Huynh's.

The Pennsylvania dad has been court ordered to move out of his home until he completes a mandatory parenting class, as well as 100 hours of community service. Huynh's punishment is a result of abandoning his 16-year-old daughter outside of a mall because she received a failing grade at school.

According to news reports, in February, Huynh went into a rage when his daughter revealed a poor score on a calculus test. One thing led to another and ultimately, the 47-year-old dad decided it would be best for everyone involved if he forced his daughter to pack her bags and live elsewhere.

Booting a kid out of the only home she has known is demented enough, but Huynh took his craziness a step further by dropping his daughter off 13 miles from the family's residence and telling her to find someone else to take care of her.

Police say the teen wandered outside a local mall for hours before a minister approached her and notified authorities.

Officers eventually took the girl into protective custody, but she didn't go willingly. Reports say the teen refused to identify herself for fear of shaming her father. Police later found her name on some sheet music she packed in her bag.

"She didn't know where she was. She had never been to the area before," Assistant District Attorney Cara McMenamin told news reporters. "She was terrified. She's lucky somebody didn't grab her and abduct her."

On Tuesday, a judge sentenced Huynh to two years of probation and 100 hours of community service. In addition, the dad must attend parenting classes before he is allowed to return to the home where his daughter is now living.

I'm thinking that won't happen anytime soon.

According to court documents, the father expressed no remorse for abandoning his daughter. In fact, the dad actually told the judge that he is free to parent his child how he chooses and would ditch her again if kept failing at school.

Hmm... the last time my daughter did poorly on a test, I helped her study harder for the next one. I don't recall ordering her out of my car near an unfamiliar mall and telling her to find somewhere else to live.

What do you do when your child brings home a bad grade?

Related Articles:

Sins of the Father

Bad Dads? You Decide

Bad Dad: Sick, Stupid or Just a Jerk

MaliaMom`s avatar

Michele Cheplic was born and raised in Hilo, Hawaii, but now lives in Wisconsin. Michele graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a degree in Journalism.

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